Alita: Battle Angel Subtitles Croatian
Battle Angel Alita, an early-1990s Japanese cyberpunk manga series written by Yukito Kishiro, was originally brought to James Cameron's attention by filmmaker Guillermo del Toro, and Cameron immediately became enamored with the concept.[11][12][13][14][15] The domain name "" was registered to James Cameron by 20th Century Fox around June 2000.[16] Fox also registered the "" domain.[17] In April 2003, it was reported by Moviehole that Cameron had confirmed he would direct a Battle Angel film.[18] Cameron confirmed that a script for the film was in production during an interview on the Tokudane! program on Fuji TV on May 4, 2003.[19] It was originally scheduled to be his next production after the TV series Dark Angel,[20] which was influenced by Battle Angel Alita.[21] It was later scheduled to be his next film after Aliens of the Deep in January 2005.[22] 781b155fdc